JavaFX Animation for Charting

My FXML file contains a JavaFX AreaChart

<AreaChart id="myAreaChart"
         fx:id="myAreaChart" >


The chart is styled using css loaded from css\myAreaChartStyle.css in the start method

public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception{

    Parent root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("sample.fxml"));

    primaryStage.setTitle("Hello World");
    Scene cur  = new Scene(root, 300, 275);

The styling works and the chart has 3 areas with specific styles applied

.default-color0.chart-area-symbol { -fx-background-color: #0000ff; } 
.default-color0.chart-series-area-fill { -fx-fill: #0000ff; }
.default-color0.chart-series-area-line { -fx-fill: #0000ff; }

.default-color1.chart-area-symbol { -fx-background-color: #0000ff; }
.default-color1.chart-series-area-fill { -fx-fill: #0000ff; }
.default-color1.chart-series-area-line { -fx-fill: #0000ff; }

.default-color2.chart-area-symbol { -fx-background-color: #0000ff; }
.default-color2.chart-series-area-fill { -fx-fill: #0000ff; }  
.default-color2.chart-series-area-line { -fx-fill: #0000ff; }

My question pertains to animating the chart. I want to create a smooth transition where the colors of the areas change gradually from blue to white. I attempted to update the css styling from my Controller class but it didn't achieve the desired effect. How can I implement animation for my chart?

Answer №1

Make sure to review the illustrations in the Ensenble section for reference. Check out some examples here

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