Steps to modify the CSS of a custom component in Angular 8

I have been attempting to override the css of a custom component selector, however, my attempts have been unsuccessful. I have tried using ":ng-deep" but it hasn't worked. How can I go about finding a solution for this issue?




::ng-deep mycustommcomp{ 
overflow:unset !important; 


overflow:hidden !important; 


Answer №1

If you're trying to apply styles to component tags, you may run into limitations. One workaround is to enclose the content within your custom component in a container like a div.

Inside mycustommcomp.component.html:

<div class="container">
   <!-- Your content here -->

In app.component.css:

::ng-deep .container{ 
   margin: 2px;
   overflow: unset !important; 

And in mycustomcomp.component.css:

   margin: 8px;
   overflow: hidden !important; 

However, It's important to note that using ::ng-deep is not recommended as it is deprecated.

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