What is causing Firefox to display an additional line in this section?

After much effort, I've been attempting to eliminate the extra spacing on this page in Firefox:

Do you see the menu? If you compare it to Chrome, you'll notice that the menu is positioned too low beneath the background, giving the layout a broken appearance.

I experimented with adding line-height: 1px to the UL item and removing the height from the LI elements to make them as compact as possible.

This adjustment seemed to normalize the look, but I can't help feeling like it's just a temporary fix. I'm curious to understand the root cause of the issue so I can address it properly in the future.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to resolve this, I would greatly appreciate it. I am using Firefox 5 and the latest version of Google Chrome.

Thank you.

Answer №1

Make the following adjustment in your CSS:

/* Update from http://emctalk.com.au/site/assets/template/css/base.css?v2( line: 375 )*/

.home a {
    display: block;
    height: 140px; /*Adjusting from 150px which is causing the problem*/
    text-indent: -2000em;

By making this change, the issue should be resolved.

Answer №2

The issue arises while determining the height of #mainmenu li with the property set as display:inline. It seems that Mozilla is relying on the padding-top and padding-bottom values of 13px to position the background tick image accurately.

By making adjustments in firebug, I modified the padding and height specifications below to achieve the desired outcome.

#mainmenu li {
    display: inline;
    float: left;
    height: 30px;
    padding-left: 30px;
    padding-top: 13px;

Answer №3

Apply the following code snippet in your CSS:

#mainmenu {

Make sure to customize the background according to your UI design.

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