Struggling with Getting My Animation to Function Correctly

I am trying to create a JQuery Animation that will move a div covering a text box up into the border when clicked. Despite multiple attempts, I can't seem to get the animation to work properly. Any suggestions?


function moveup(title,text){
if (text).value==""){
                  top: '-18px'}, '300');

  border: 'solid 2px #49acc7'}, '300');

  color: '#49acc7'}, '300');

} }

        function movedown(t){
            if (t.value==""){
              top: '0px'}, '300');

              border: 'solid 2px #bec3c8'}, '300');

              color: '#bec3c8'}, '300');


Inline Code

<div id="custnumbertitle" class="inputtitle" style="z-index:2;position:absolute;width:300px;height:35px;text-align:left;left:23px;top:0px;vertical-align:middle;line-height:35px;" onclick="moveup('custnumbertitle,custnumber')"><span style="background-color:white;">CUSTOMER NUMBER</span>

<Input Type="text" id="custnumber" onblur="movedown(this)" width="150px" style="z-index:1;position:relative;top:3px;right:0px;width:320px;height:30px;border-radius:20px;border: solid 0px #bec3c8;"><a href="#" class="tooltip">

Answer №1

Your code could benefit from some cleaning up. It appears that there are unnecessary brackets, and the expression (text).value=="") should be corrected to ((text).value==""). If you are looking to create a bouncing box that covers a text input, you may find inspiration from this example.

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