creating a multi-page form using HTML and JavaScript

I need help creating a multi-page form with a unique tab display. The first page should not have a tab-pill, while the following pages should display tabs without including the first page tab.

Users can navigate to the first page using only the previous button on the second page.

I am currently utilizing Material Bootstrap Wizard for this project.

Check out my Codepen link

// Class dn: display:none
if($current == 1){
                console.log('first tab'); console.log(navigation.parent().addClass('dn'));
//This is the JS code I developed to hide the navigation bar in the first page

Answer №1

By utilizing CSS and the onInit, onNext, and onPrevious functions, you can achieve your desired outcome:

To prevent the first tab from being clicked, set pointer events to none like this:

.wizard-navigation ul li:first-child {

Next, hide the tabs when the wizard is initialized:

onInit : function(tab, navigation, index){
      $(".wizard-navigation").hide(); // hiding tab wizard
      //... rest of code 

Then, show the navigation tabs on moving to the next step:

onNext : function(tab, navigation, index){
      $(".wizard-navigation").show(); // showing tab wizard
      //... rest of code 

Finally, if going back to a previous tab and it's the first one, hide it again:

onPrevious : function(tab, navigation, index){
     if(index === 0) $(".wizard-navigation").hide(); // hiding tab wizard
      //... rest of code 

Check out an example on CodePen.

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