Incorporating Anchors for Seamless Navigation in Menus

My website has various sections on the homepage and I want to add an anchor link to the navigation. This will allow users to scroll down to a specific section, like "About Us," when clicking on the appropriate nav link. I also need the anchor link to work when navigating from other pages, such as the Contact Page, so that it directly takes me to the desired section on the home page instead of starting at the top.

Is there a way to achieve this functionality using HTML?

Answer №1

To implement this, you can utilize an anchor tag - just as mentioned in the title.

  • Simply insert this URL :
  • Assign the id="my-target" to the specific element you want to scroll to on your webpage.

For a smoother scrolling experience, consider using scroll-behavior.

Answer №2

To direct users to a specific section on your webpage, you can utilize anchor IDs in href links. For instance:

<a href="#pricing">Link to Pricing Section</a>

<div id="section-services"> Description of services </div>
<div id="section-testimonials"> Customer testimonials </div>
<div id="pricing"> View our pricing plans here </div>

The menu link within your navigation should be: This will navigate the user to the specific pricing section on your site. Unfortunately, creating an /pricing permalink through html on another page is not supported.

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