Creating a dynamic linear gradient background color using Angular 2 binding

Using static values works perfectly

<div style="background: linear-gradient(to right, #0000FF 0%, #0000FF 50%, #FFA500 50%, #FFA500 100%);"></div>

in my TypeScript file.

this.blueColor = '#0000FF';
this.orangColor = '#FFA500';

However, when I bind these variables in the HTML, I encounter a template error.

<div style="background: linear-gradient(to right, {{blueColor}} 0%, {{blueColor}} 50%, {{orangColor}} 50%, {{orangColor}} 100%);"></div>

Is there a way to properly bind variables inside of it?

Answer №1

  1. You have the option to utilize variables in TypeScript as well:

    blueColor = '#0000FF';
      orangColor = '#FFA500';
      background="linear-gradient(to right,"+ this.blueColor + " 50%," + this.orangColor + " 0)";


    <div [style.background]="background"></div>

    Check out the code

  2. To bind in HTML use

    <div [style.background]='"linear-gradient(to right,"+ this.blueColor + " 50%," + this.orangColor + " 0)"'></div>

    View the code

Answer №2

If you're looking for a way to dynamically apply classes or styles in Angular, there are multiple approaches you can take.

The first option is to use the [ngClass] directive. You can define the classes in your CSS and TypeScript files, and then dynamically apply them based on certain conditions. Here's an example:


<div [ngClass]="class">
    <hello name="{{ name }}"></hello>


class = 'option';


 background: linear-gradient(to right, #0000FF 0%, #0000FF 50%, #FFA500 50%, #FFA500 100%);

The second option is to use a pipe. For more details on this approach, you can refer to this link.

Lastly, you can define a predefined style in the TypeScript file and modify the color variables as needed. Here's an example of how you could achieve this:


<div [style.background]="background">test</div>


  blueColor = '#0000FF';
  orangColor = '#FFA500';
  background= 'linear-gradient(to right, '+ this.blueColor+' 0%, '+ this.blueColor+' 50%, '+ this.orangColor+' 50%, '+ this.orangColor+' 100%)';

For a live demonstration, you can check out this Stackblitz demo.

Answer №3

Success! I have discovered the solution and it is functioning perfectly.

[style.background]="'linear-gradient(to right, ' +  blueColor +'  0%  ,  ' +  blueColor +' 50% , ' +  orangColor +'  50%  ,  ' +  orangColor +' 100% )'" 

Answer №4

If you want to dynamically set a CSS variable using Angular's renderer2 and then use it in your styles, you can do so like this:

background: linear-gradient(to right,  var(--color-1) 0%,  var(--color-1) 50%,  var(--color-2) 50%,  var(--color-2) 100%);

In your component file, you would have something like this in the ngOnInit method:

this.blueColor = '#0000FF';
this.orangColor = '#FFA500';

    this.el.nativeElement, "style", `--color-1: ${this.blueColor}; --color-2: ${this.orangColor}`

This code snippet is essentially defining custom colors for the CSS variables. You can check out a live demonstration here.

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