Activating Vue-Bootstrap components through an image click event in VueJS 2

Seeking to achieve: VueJS integration with Bootstrap for clickable cards

I am currently working on a VueJS project where I want the cards to be clickable and reveal collapsible elements upon click. To accomplish this, I have implemented a button with the "stretched-link" class that activates the collapse feature when clicked.

                                style="max-width: 20rem;" 
                                <b-button v-b-toggle="'collapse-' + unique-identifier" variant="primary" class="stretched-link">Toggle</b-button>
                                <b-collapse v-bind:id="'collapse-' + unique-identifier" class="mt-2">
                                    <b-card>This is the collapsed content</b-card>

I have attempted to hide the button within the card by using classes like "d-none" and "invisible" (

class="stretched-link d-none"
class="stretched-link invisible"
), but it also hides the stretched link area. Is there a way to keep the activated link area while concealing the button icon?

Answer №1

After some experimentation with JQuery, I managed to find a solution that worked for my specific scenario.

My goal was to create a clickable image that functioned like a bootstrap button. This solution addresses that need, rather than focusing on hidden stretched links.

Within my Vue component, I implemented the triggerButton method, which locates a button by its id and triggers a click event.

import $ from 'jquery'

export default {
    props: //just filling this for structure,
    data() {
        return {

    async mounted() {
       //more placeholder structure
    methods: {
            //here is the sauce
            triggerButton(id) {

In the <template>, I included a hidden button. The "unique-identifier" serves as an individual marker necessary in my situation where multiple elements are generated in a loop.

For this example, I utilized a bootstrap button to trigger a particular modal.

<b-button style="display:none" v-bind:id="'button'+ unique-identifier" v-b-modal="'modal' + unique-identifier">Launch centered modal</b-button>

To complete the setup, I added an image within a bootstrap card, with a click event calling the triggerButton method to display the modal.

<img v-on:click="showModal('button' + unique-identifier)" :src="``"/>

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