Make sure to use the jQuery load function to specifically target and retrieve

Hello, I'm new to working with jQuery and I have a question about adding a vertical scrollbar to a jQuery modal window. Specifically, I want the scrollbar to appear when there is a large amount of text within the modal window. Can you guide me on where in the code I should add this feature and how to implement it?

Here is the code snippet:

 $(document).ready(function() {

    $('a.dialog-ajax').click(function (event) {
       $this = $(this);
       var URL     = $(this).attr('href');
       var dialogbox = document.getElementById('dialog');
       var dialogOptions = {
                             height: 448,
                             width: 736,
                             modal: true,

                             close: function(event, ui){

    if(dialogbox==null) {
      $this.after("<div id=\"dialog\"></div>");


    jQuery('#dialog').load(URL + " #content").dialog(dialogOptions);



Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

To achieve this effect, I recommend using CSS. Here's a snippet of code that should help:

#dialog {overflow: scroll}

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