Retrieve the individual character styles within an element using JavaScript

I'm currently dealing with a dynamically created div that features styled characters like:

<div>Hello <b>J</b>oe</div>
and my goal is to identify which characters are styled (in this case, the letter J).

I've already attempted using window.getComputedStyle() but I haven't been able to extract the style character by character.

Here's a larger example:

<div id="testing">H<b>i</b> I <b>a</b>m b<b>o</b>b</div>

Expected output: getDivStyle("testing") =>

H: false
i: true

I: false

a: true
m: false

B: false
o: true
b: false

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

Answer №1

To highlight only certain elements, you can follow this approach:


<div id="my-div">Hello <b>J</b>oe</div>



This code snippet retrieves and logs all the <b> elements within the specified div.
However, if you want to target more than just bolded elements, you can do so by specifying all the element tags you want to include like this:


<div id="my-div"><i>Hello</i> <b>J</b>oe</div>


console.log(document.getElementById("my-div").querySelectorAll("b"), document.getElementById("my-div").querySelectorAll("i"));

Answer №2

Inspect the child nodes to analyze their text, type, and node value. By breaking it down into characters, you can easily manipulate the data.

const nodes = document.querySelector("#testing").childNodes;
nodes.forEach(node => {
  console.log(node.textContent, node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE, node.nodeName);
<div id="testing">H<b>i</b> I <b>a</b>m b<b>o</b>b</div>

To obtain the desired output:

const nodes = document.querySelector("#testing").childNodes;
const result = Array.from(nodes).flatMap(node => {
  const isElem = node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE;  
  return Array.from(node.textContent).map(char => char === ' ' ? '' : `${char}: ${isElem}`);

<div id="testing">H<b>i</b> I <b>a</b>m b<b>o</b>b</div>

Answer №3

To collect information about the characters in an element and their parent elements, iterate through the child nodes recursively. Once you have gathered this data, you can then determine which elements are considered "styled" and convert them into boolean values.

Here is a comprehensive example that can handle nested elements and allows for customization of what constitutes a "styled" element:

View Code in TypeScript Playground

/** @returns an array of [character, parent element] */
function createTextMapping(element, memo = []) {
  for (const node of element.childNodes) {
    switch (node.nodeType) {
      case Node.TEXT_NODE: {
        for (const str of {
          memo.push([str, element]);
      case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: {
        createTextMapping(node, memo);
      default: throw new Error("Unexpected node type");
  return memo;

// Define which elemnet tag names are considered "styled":
const styledElementTagNames = new Set([
  // etc.

const targetElement = document.getElementById("testing");

const mapping = createTextMapping(targetElement);

const results = mapping
  .filter(([str]) => str.trim().length > 0) // Remove whitespace
  .map(([str, elm]) => [str, styledElementTagNames.has(elm.tagName)]); // Validate parent elements

for (const [str, valid] of results) {
  console.log(`${str}:`, valid);
body { font-family: sans-serif; }
<div id="testing">H<b>i</b> I <b>a</b>m b<b>o</b>b</div>

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