What steps can be taken to implement CSS rules on an HTML element with ExtJS?

In my ExtJS 4 project, I am working on drawing an image inside a panel and slider field. My goal is to adjust the opacity of the image based on the value of the slider field.

I understand that I can use CSS rules like opacity and filter:alpha(opacity=); to change the opacity of the image.

But I am unsure of how to actually apply these CSS rules to the image. Can someone provide me with guidance on how to do this?

Answer №1

To achieve a half-transparent effect on an image, you can utilize the Ext.dom.Element.setOpacity method like this:

Ext.fly('image-id').setOpacity(0.5); // This will make the image with ID 'image-id' appear partially transparent

Check out this demonstration for live interaction.


If you are working with the Ext.Img component, you'll need to apply the following approach:


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