Creating CSS-in-JS Components in React JS without External Stylesheet interference

import React, { Component } from "react";
import './navbar.css'

class NavBar extends Component {

  render() {
    return (

          navbar content



export default NavBar;

If I were to include NavBar in another file and display it.

import React, { Component } from "react";
import NavBar from './NavBar'
import './differentfile.css'

class somefile extends Component {

  render() {
    return (
      <div id="test">

          <NavBar />



export default somefile;

How can I isolate the CSS styling for my navbar? I want to use components without having the CSS from other files affect them.


#test div {
    text-align: left;

^ This code aligns all div elements under #test to the left

Answer №1

When considering the impact of CSS files on a website, it ultimately depends on how they are written. If other CSS files use general rules such as element matches, preventing conflicts entirely may not be possible. However, there are ways to minimize these conflicts.

  • One approach is to follow BEM (Block Element Modifier) for your styles, which can be found at . This method creates tighter and more specific styles for your components.
  • Another option is to utilize css in js libraries like styled-components, available at . This allows you to create strong CSS rules that often take precedence over conflicting rules from other sources.

Personally, I have transitioned from using BEM to implementing css in js with styled-components for most of my recent projects, and I have found this approach to work effectively in managing CSS conflicts.

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