Stop the context menu from popping up when the element is right-clicked

Is there a way to create a custom right-click interaction for an element on my website,

<div class="myElement"></div>
? I want to avoid the default context menu from popping up when the user right-clicks on this element in order to enhance the user experience. Any suggestions on how to achieve this effect using CSS or vanilla JavaScript?


.myElement {
    contextMenuOnRightClick: none,

Answer №1

If you want to disable the context menu using JavaScript, you can do so easily with a few lines of code:

<div class="myElement" oncontextmenu="return false;"></div>
  • oncontextmenu: This event is triggered when the context menu (right-click menu) is displayed.
  • return false;: This line cancels the event, preventing the menu from appearing.

Instead of using inline JavaScript, a better approach is to create a reusable class called .js-noMenu and apply it to any element you want to prevent right clicks on. You can then include these JavaScript lines in your external script file.

[...document.querySelectorAll(".js-noMenu")].forEach( el => 
 el.addEventListener('contextmenu', e => e.preventDefault())
<div class="js-noMenu">Try right clicking me!</div>
<p>Feel free to right click here!</p>
<p class="js-noMenu">Right click disabled here</p>

In summary, using Event.preventDefault() helps to prevent default browser actions from taking place.

Answer №2

There are a few important points to consider:

  • While Event.preventDefault() can be effective, it may lead to error messages or restrictions on certain browsers such as Chrome. If you are planning to implement a custom action, this method may not be the most suitable for your needs.

  • If you choose to proceed without using a library like jQuery, you will need to write a significant amount of pure vanilla JS in order to ensure cross-browser compatibility, especially when it comes to implementing selectors.

  • Adding a library as large as jQuery (over 50k) solely for a specific use case like this may seem excessive, unless you require the library for other functionalities as well.

  • You can still achieve the desired outcome by inline coding with an equivalent value in place of JS, maintaining the aesthetic appeal of your code.

  • Supporting dynamically added items on the page with JS can be quite labor-intensive and intricate.

Consider utilizing a structure similar to the following approach:

<div class="myElement" oncontextmenu="return!1"></div>

Answer №3

This technique is one of my go-to methods and I find it to be the easiest (it was actually one of the first lines in my custom JavaScript code)...

/* prevent right click */
document.addEventListener('contextmenu', event => event.preventDefault());

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