Distinguishing background colors depending on the browser's compatibility with CSS properties

I've successfully designed a polka dot background using pure CSS:

    background-image: radial-gradient(#FAFFB3 20%, transparent 0), radial-gradient(#F1C3CB 20%, transparent 0);
    background-size: 30px 30px;
    background-position: 0 0, 15px 15px;
<div class="polka-gr" style="background-color:#77FFD1;width:600px;height:200px;></div>

The background color is a shade of green (hex value #77FFD1).

For clients that don't support radial-gradient like Opera Mini, they see a plain #77FFD1 background without the polka dots.

Is it possible to display a different color like #FFFF99 for unsupported browsers while still showing the greenish background with polka dots in supported ones?

If this kind of setup is feasible, an example would be helpful.

Answer №1

  background: yellow;

@supports (background: radial-gradient(#F1C3CB 20%, transparent 0)) {

    background-image:radial-gradient(#FAFFB3 20%, transparent 0), radial-gradient(#F1C3CB 20%, transparent 0);
      background-size: 30px 30px;
      background-position: 0 0, 15px 15px;
<div class="polka-gr" style="width:600px;height:200px;></div>

To reach a wider range of browsers, utilize @supports


In your scenario:

@supports (background: radial-gradient(white, black)) {
  /* include relevant styles here */

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