Troubleshooting Problem with Centering Rows in Bootstrap

I am utilizing the most recent version of Bootstrap 3 to design a website for a friend, but I am encountering a challenge with centering elements on the page. Typically, I would use the following code:

    width: 90%;
    margin: 0 auto;

However, this code is not producing the desired effect.

My goal is to arrange the desktop view as follows:

item    item    item
    item    item

For the tablet view, I want the layout to be like this:

item    item
item    item

Unfortunately, all the items are currently shifting to the left instead of maintaining the desired layout.

If you would like to see the website in action, please visit here.

Answer №1

To start, make sure your row is contained within a .container

Next, you can center your text and image within the columns by using offsets like this:

Here's how I typically set it up:

   .col-md-4.text-center    //.text-center  is to center your text and image within the column


Answer №2

To begin, include the following CSS in your stylesheet:

.center{text-align: center;} 

Next, modify your last column in the HTML code to look like this:

<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">

Keep in mind that you want Bootstrap to make that last column full width on tablets. Since tablet size is denoted by sm-, be sure to include sm-12 for any tablet-sized screen or smaller.

Answer №3

One of the great features of bootstrap is its built-in utility functions.

<div class="centered">

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