Trouble arises when attempting to append a class through ng-class upon clicking

In a specific scenario, I am trying to change the border color from black to red in a div by appending a class using ng-class when clicked.

However, when clicking a button, the modal opens but the class is not being appended as expected.

<div ng-class="{'addBorder':clicked}" class="beforeClicked">
<button ng-click="clickToOpen()">Open Modal</button>

function MyCtrl($scope, ngDialog) {
$scope.clickToOpen = function () {
        $scope.clicked=true;{ template: 'templateId' });


  border:1px solid red;

  border:1px solid black


The initial state of the div has a black border. On button click, it should add the class addBorder to turn the border color to red, but this behavior is not working as intended.

I would appreciate any assistance with this issue. Thank you!

Answer №1

At the moment, the border properties of beforeClicked are taking precedence over the border of .addBorder.

To resolve this issue, simply switch the order of your CSS styles for .addBorder to give it higher priority.

.beforeClicked {
  width: 100px;
  height: 300px;
  border: 1px solid black

.addBorder {
  border: 1px solid red;

Check out the updated demo here:

Answer №2

Simply add the style !important

  border:1px solid red !important;      

Check out the demo here

Answer №3

To enhance your style sheet, utilize the following modifications

  border:1px dashed blue

  background-color: lightgrey;


Apply the additionalStyle class after the initialState class.

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