Setting character limits within textareas based on CSS classes in a dynamic manner

I'm looking to develop a JavaScript function that can set text limits for multiple textareas at once using a class, allowing for flexibility in case specific textareas need to be exempt. However, I'm facing issues with my debuggers - Visual Studio isn't providing IntelliSense and JSFiddle isn't showing any errors. I'm struggling to figure out how to troubleshoot this situation effectively. Jquery is optional for me; I currently have a version of the code that only uses CSS ids.

$('.txtFeedback').html("characters remaining");
try {
  $(document).ready(function() {
    var textareas = document.getElementsByClassName("txtLimit");
    var feedbacks = document.getElementsByClassName("txtFeedback");
    var n = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < textareas.length; i++) {
      var thisElem = textareas[i];
      var countX = textareas[i].style.marginLeft;
      $("#" + {
        var text_length = $("#" +; //char count
        var text_remaining = $("#" + - text_length;
        if (countX < thisElem.maxLength) {
          $("#" + feedbacks[n].id).css({
            marginLeft: '+=50pt'
          countX += 50;
        $("#" + feedbacks[n].id).html(text_length + '/' + text_max);
} catch (err) {
  document.getElementById("errors").innerHTML = err.message;
<script src=""></script>
<textarea id="textarea" class="txtLimit" rows="8" cols="30" maxlength="99" style="z-index:1;"></textarea>
<div id="textarea_feedback" class="txtFeedback" style="z-index:2; margin-top:-18pt; margin-left:50pt"></div>
<div id="errors" width=100 height=3 00/>

Answer №1

To properly retrieve the id of a feedback element, you must first store it in a variable. I have made the necessary adjustments to your code snippet to address this issue. Additionally, I noticed that the variable text_max was not defined, so I have set its value arbitrarily to 300.

Just a heads up, you can utilize the developer console (press F12) in JSFiddle to catch any errors.

UPDATE: After considering the feedback provided, I have modified text_max to be thisElem.maxLength.

$('.txtFeedback').html("characters remaining");
try {
  $(document).ready(function() {
    var textareas = document.getElementsByClassName("txtLimit");
    var feedbacks = document.getElementsByClassName("txtFeedback");
    for (var i = 0; i < textareas.length; i++) {
      var thisElem = textareas[i];
      var text_max = thisElem.maxLength;
      var feedback = feedbacks[i];
      var countX = textareas[i].style.marginLeft;

      $("#" + {
        var text_length = $("#" +; //char count
        var text_remaining = $("#" + - text_length;
        if (countX < thisElem.maxLength) {
          $("#" +{
            marginLeft: '+=50pt'
          countX += 50;
        $("#" + + '/' + text_max);
} catch (err) {
  document.getElementById("errors").innerHTML = err.message;
<script src=""></script>
<textarea id="textarea" class="txtLimit" rows="8" cols="30" maxlength="99" style="z-index:1;"></textarea>
<div id="textarea_feedback" class="txtFeedback" style="z-index:2; margin-top:-18pt; margin-left:50pt"></div>
<div id="errors" width=100 height=3 00/>

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