Malfunctioning Line in Apple Safari Causing ReactJS Issues

I am encountering an issue with my

<div className={`${} ${classes.or}`}>OR</div>
. It appears that this problem is specific to Apple Safari only. The alignment on the right side seems to be broken, although it works fine on Google Chrome and other browsers. My current Safari version is 12.

Please review the CodeSandbox link provided here

or: {
  position: "relative",
  marginBottom: "10px",
  "&:before, &:after": {
    content: "''",
    display: "inline-block",
    height: "1px",
    width: "40%",
    background: "#00000044",
    position: "absolute",
    top: "50%"
  "&:before": {
    transform: "translate(-70%, -50%)"
  "&:after": {
    transform: "translate(70%, -50%)"

Answer №1

The issue at hand is being caused by the css property transform. Rather than using that, try utilizing left: 0 for the before element and right: 0 for the after element. This adjustment should resolve the problem by ensuring both pseudo elements stick to their respective ends while maintaining equal width for proper UI adjustment.

or: {
  position: "relative",
  marginBottom: "10px",
  "&:before, &:after": {
    content: "''",
    display: "inline-block",
    height: "1px",
    width: "40%",
    background: "#00000044",
    position: "absolute",
    top: "50%"
  "&:before": {
    left: 0
  "&:after": {
    right: 0

To view the corrected version in a sandbox environment, click on the following link:

I hope this information proves useful in resolving the issue. Please feel free to reach out if you require further clarification or assistance.

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