Steps for modifying the look of a button to display an arrow upon being clicked with CSS

Looking to enhance the visual appearance of a button by having an arrow emerge from it upon clicking, all done through CSS. Currently developing a React application utilizing TypeScript.

Upon clicking the next button, the arrow should transition from the current button to the next one in line.

A visual representation of the desired outcome can be found here:

This snippet provides an example featuring two buttons:

<div className="button-container">
        className="text-white font-nunito text active"
        onClick={() => onFieldAdd('textField')}
        <TextFieldsIcon />
        <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Text Box</p>

        className="text-white font-nunito text mx-2 pr-15"
        onClick={() => onFieldAdd('imageField')}
        <AddPhotoAlternateIcon />

Answer №1

If you're searching for a solution, this might be what you need:

import { useState } from "react";

const CustomComponent = () => {
    const [selectedButton, setSelectedButton] = useState(null);

    const handleClick = (e) => setSelectedButton(;

    return (
            <button id="btn1" onClick={handleClick} className={selectedButton === "btn1" ? "hasArrow" : ""}>
                Button 1

            <button id="btn2" onClick={handleClick} className={selectedButton === "btn2" ? "hasArrow" : ""}>
                Button 2


export default CustomComponent;

Feel free to modify it according to your specific requirements.

In this code snippet, I set up a state named selectedButton with a default value of null, and I'm monitoring onClick events on all buttons to update the state with the clicked button's id. When the state changes, the component will refresh, and the CSS class hasArrow will be assigned to the appropriate button based on whether the selectedButton state matches the button's id, using the ternary conditional operator ?:.

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