Error encountered when compiling SCSS with the '@use' statement

Currently, I am utilizing Gulp for the purpose of compiling scss into css. However, whenever I include a @use statement in my code, it does not compile the css correctly into the css file; instead, it simply duplicates the @use statement. What could be causing this issue?

The SCSS code is as follows:

@use 'icons';
@use 'fancy-hover';

body {

.some-class {

And here is how it appears when compiled to CSS:

@use 'icons'; // ideally, this should display the compiled css from icons.scss
@use 'fancy-hover'; // ideally, this should display the compiled css from fancy-hover.scss
body {...}
.some-class {...}

Answer №1

It seems that you are utilizing Node-Sass, however, please note that @use is currently only compatible with Dart-Sass (and may remain so in the future). Therefore, you should switch to using @import or consider importing Dart-Sass instead.

I trust that this response has provided some clarity for you! ;D

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