I experienced issues with the brackets software freezing up while using the Bootstrap min CSS file

Recently, I've been using brackets as my text editor and have run into an issue with the bootstrap.min CSS file. For some reason, it keeps freezing whenever I try to load it in brackets. Oddly enough, HTML files work perfectly fine, but as soon as I switch over to the CSS file, brackets starts to hang. The strange thing is that when I restart brackets, it works fine again until I try to load the CSS file. This problem only seems to occur with the bootstrap CSS file, as other CSS files work seamlessly in brackets. I even tried disabling all extensions in brackets to see if that would solve the issue, but unfortunately, it's still not working.

Answer №1

Which version of Bootstrap are you currently utilizing? I attempted to download Bootstrap 3.3.4 from this source, and oddly enough, the `bootstrap.min.css` file opens without any issues in Brackets.

If you encounter any difficulties, it would be wise to report a bug with the following details:

  • Provide a link to the exact CSS file that is causing trouble
  • If there is a specific point in the file where the issue arises, indicate the precise location by positioning your cursor or hovering over specific code
  • In the bug report, mention if you have tried disabling extensions (Debug > Reload Without Extensions) as this step may need to be suggested later if not mentioned initially :-)

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