Unable to alter the css of a jQuery object

I have been attempting to modify the CSS of two child elements of a specific element using Backbone and jQuery. However, my code does not seem to be working as expected. I suspect that the issue lies in distinguishing between a DOM element and a jQuery object.

Below is a snippet of my code:

App.Views.ExploreCard.user = App.Views.ExploreCard.Parent.extend({
  name: 'user',
  allowUntyped: true,
  classes: 'explore-person-box shadowed',
  onclick: function() {
  postRender: function() {


App.HCS = {
  redrawHCS: function(elements) {
    elements.each(function(index, value) {
      var hcs = $(value).find('.score');
      var border = $(value).find('.user-card-avatar-round');
      var score = $(hcs).html();
      if ( score <= 33 && score >= 1 ) {
        $(hcs).css("background-image", "image-url('heart_primary.png')");
        $(border).css("border", "3px solid #ff4013;");
      else if ( score <= 66 && score >= 34 ) {
        $(hcs).css("background-image", "image-url('body_primary.png')");
        $(border).css("border", "3px solid #008cb4;");
       else if ( score <= 99 && score >= 67 ) {
        $(hcs).css("background-image", "image-url('minf_primary.png')");
        $(border).css("border", "3px solid #fb9f00;");

This task of adjusting CSS rules shouldn't be too complex. What could I be overlooking in my implementation?

Answer №1

There is a ; at the end of your css values

$(border).css("border", "3px solid #fb9f00");

Additionally, for the image, you should use url() instead of image-url()

$(hcs).css("background-image", "url('minf_primary.png')");

See demonstration: Problem, Solution

Answer №2

It is my belief that the appropriate way to change the background-image property is:

$(hcs).css("background-image", "url('heart_primary.png')");

Rather than:

$(hcs).css("background-image", "image-url('heart_primary.png')");

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