Attempting to link two JavaScript files, however, only one of them is functioning correctly

I'm currently experiencing an issue with my HTML page that involves calling two JS files for two different image sliders on the same website page. One slider works perfectly fine while the other does not. I'm confused as to whether it's permissible to call two distinct JS files in one HTML document. What's even stranger is that when I split the two image sliders into separate HTML documents and called their respective JS files, both worked flawlessly. It's a bit perplexing for me as I'm relatively new to this.


<video src="./pics/acecs2.mp4" muted loop autoplay controls></video>

      <div class="bowl-container">
      <div class="slider-wrap">
        <div class="slider">
          <div class="slider-item">
            <div class="img-div"></div>
          <div class="slider-item">
            <div class="img-div"></div>
          <div class="slider-item">
            <div class="img-div"></div>
          <div class="slider-item">
            <div class="img-div"></div>
          <div class="slider-item">
            <div class="img-div"></div>

    <section class="showcase2">

      <video src="./pics/ace3.mp4" muted loop autoplay controls></video>

    <div class="bowl-container2">
    <div class="slider-wrap2">
      <div class="slider2">
        <div class="slider-item2">
          <div class="img-div2"></div>
        <div class="slider-item2">
          <div class="img-div2"></div>
        <div class="slider-item2">
          <div class="img-div2"></div>
        <div class="slider-item2">
          <div class="img-div2"></div>
        <div class="slider-item2">
          <div class="img-div2"></div>

      <script src="app.js"></script>
      <script src="app2.js"></script>


let sliderWrap = document.querySelector('.slider-wrap');
let slider = document.querySelector('.slider');
let clonesWidth;
let sliderWidth;
let clones = [];
let scrollPos = 1
let sliderHover = false;
let req;1
let items = [...document.querySelectorAll('.slider-item')];
let images = [...document.querySelectorAll('.img-div')];

images.forEach((image, idx) => { = `url(./pics2/${idx+1}.jpg)`

items.forEach(item => {
    let clone = item.cloneNode(true);

sliderWrap.addEventListener('mouseover', () =>{
    sliderHover = true;

sliderWrap.addEventListener('mouseleave', () =>{
    sliderHover = false;

function getClonesWidth(){
    let width = 0;
    clones.forEach(clone => {
        width += clone.offsetWidth;
    return width;

function scrollUpdate(){
    if(window.innerWidth > 760){ = 'hidden';
            scrollPos -= .4

        if(clonesWidth + scrollPos >= sliderWidth){
            scrollPos = 1;
        }else if(scrollPos <= 0){
            scrollPos = sliderWidth - clonesWidth - 1
        } = `translateX(${-scrollPos}px)`

        req = requestAnimationFrame(scrollUpdate)
    }else{ = 'scroll';


function onLoad(){

    scrollPos = 1;

function calaculateDimensions(){

    sliderWidth = slider.getBoundingClientRect().width;
    clonesWidth = getClonesWidth();



let sliderWrap2 = document.querySelector('.slider-wrap2');
let slider2 = document.querySelector('.slider2');
let clonesWidth2;
let sliderWidth2;
let clones2 = [];
let scrollPos2 =1
let sliderHover2 = false;
let req2; // request animation frame reference
let items2 = [...document.querySelectorAll('.slider-item2')];
let images2 = [...document.querySelectorAll('.img-div2')];

images2.forEach((image, idx) => { = `url(./pics3/${idx+1}.jpg)`

items2.forEach(item => {
    let clone = item.cloneNode(true);

sliderWrap2.addEventListener('mouseover', () =>{
    sliderHover2 = true;

sliderWrap2.addEventListener('mouseleave', () =>{
    sliderHover2 = false;

function getClonesWidth(){
    let width = 0;
    clones2.forEach(clone => {
        width += clone.offsetWidth;
    return width;

function scrollUpdate(){
    if(window.innerWidth > 760){ = 'hidden';
            scrollPos2 -= .15

        if(clonesWidth2 + scrollPos2 >= sliderWidth2){
            scrollPos2 = 1;
        }else if(scrollPos2 <= 0){
            scrollPos2 = sliderWidth2 - clonesWidth2 - 1
        } = `translateX(${-scrollPos2}px)`

        req2 = requestAnimationFrame(scrollUpdate)
    }else{ = 'scroll';


function onLoad(){

    scrollPos2 = 1;

function calaculateDimensions(){

    sliderWidth2 = slider2.getBoundingClientRect().width;
    clonesWidth2 = getClonesWidth();


Answer №1

It is recommended to include the 2 suffix when scoping your functions. Another option is to incorporate the type="module" attribute. By doing this, you can eliminate the need for any 2 suffixes except in the context of HTML.

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