What is the reason behind causing the overflow to become visible on the parent anchor when a child anchor is added?

I've been facing a puzzling issue for the past day. I am working on creating a website that resembles Windows 8, where each box represents a list item. The code is more complex than what I have shared here, but the problem seems to be isolated...

           <a href="#" class="box">
                    <li>Book covers</li>
                    <li>Wedding invitations</li>
                <img src="image.jpg">


 .box {
 display: block;
 width: 600px;
 height: 300px;
 position: relative;
 overflow: hidden;

 img {
 position: absolute;
 top: 0;
 left: 0;
 z-index: -1;

Currently, everything works as intended and the image stays contained within the .box with overflow set to hidden. However, when I add an anchor tag after the child ul list items...

           <a href="#" class="box">
                    <li><a href="#">Logos</a></li>
                    <li>Book covers</li>
                    <li>Wedding invitations</li>
                <img src="graphic.jpg">

The overflow issue arises, and the image occupies all available space, extending beyond the boundaries of .box. Why does this happen? And how can I resolve it?

Answer №1

One issue you may be experiencing is nesting an anchor within another one, which can cause problems. There are a few solutions depending on your desired outcome:

To resolve this, you can remove the a.box and simply place your links within each list item individually:

<li><a href="#">Text</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Text</a></li>

Alternatively, you can use JavaScript to open the relevant link only when the 'logos' list item is clicked. An example of this using jQuery can be found here. The necessary code snippet is:

$('[data-href]').on('click', function() {

Then in the html section, include:

<li data-href="http://www.google.com">Logos</li>

*Note: Nested anchors are not valid HTML markup and may result in inconsistent behavior across different browsers. Closing off the first anchor prematurely can disrupt the layout.

Answer №2

Within your HTML code, you have an a element nested inside another a element, which is not allowed. According to the HTML specification, nested links are considered invalid as it can lead to interpretation issues where the first a element is prematurely closed by the second one.

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