What is the process for specifying a specific font family in CSS?

Despite setting my text to font-family: Times New Roman, I'm seeing a different font in my Chrome browser.

Here is the relevant HTML code:

<p style="color:#F17141;font-size: 120px; font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&quot; ; font-weight: bold;">"</p>

And here is the relevant CSS:

element.style {
  color: #F17141;
  font-size: 120px;
  font-family: "Times New Roman";
  font-weight: bold;

The font actually rendered according to the developer tools in the browser is:

Times New Roman—Local file(1 glyph)

However, the text being displayed is not in Times New Roman as expected.

Answer №1

Your method of declaring the font-family is spot on. The browser output displaying "Times New Roman" looks normal for HTML. However, the type of quotation mark you were anticipating is actually known as curly quotes, which are Unicode characters commonly seen in word documents.

It's important to note the distinction between the following three symbols:

“ " ”

When typing using a standard keyboard, the middle symbol from the above examples is typically what appears. If you require the curly version, simply copy and paste it from elsewhere. Here's a demonstration of how to incorporate it into your code:

p {
  color: #F17141;
  font-size: 120px;
  font-family: "Times New Roman";
  font-weight: bold;
<p>“ " ”</p>

Answer №2

Here is how you can use it (remember to set the class to tag):

    color: #F17141;
    font-size: 120px;
    font-family: "Times New Roman";
    font-weight: bold;
<p class="quote">"</p>

Answer №3

To properly display the text with a specific font, you must include the font family in the head section or CSS file.

<!DOCTYPE html>
@import url(//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Times+New+Roman);
<p style="color:#F17141;font-size: 120px; font-family: Times New Roman; font-weight: bold;">Your text goes here</p>


Answer №4

Your issue lies in the usage of incorrect quotes for "Times New Roman". Make sure to use the correct type of quotes when specifying attributes. If you are using double quotes, then make sure to use single quotes and vice versa:

<p style="color:#F17141;font-size: 120px; font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-weight: bold;">TNR</p>

Answer №5

To enhance your <p> element, consider adding a specific class to it and then defining the styling attributes in your CSS file like so:

       color: #F17141;
       font-size: 120px;
       font-family: "Times New Roman";
       font-weight: bold;
<p class="text">place your text here</p>

If you want different styles for various elements, using classes is advisable instead of applying the style globally to all <p> tags:

p {
       color: #F17141;
       font-size: 120px;
       font-family: "Times New Roman";
       font-weight: bold;
<p class="text">place your text here</p>

For inline styling, utilize single quotes as shown below:

<p style="color:#F17141;font-size:120px;font-family:'Times New Roman'; font-weight:bold;">place your text here</p>

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