"Varying hues on various displays: Exploring RGB values and CSS for video color

Recently, I designed a webpage with a background-color of #f4afac.

The video embedded in this page also features the same background color throughout, creating a seamless blend with no visible edges.

On one screen, the colors appear perfectly consistent.

However, on another screen, the shades of the colors are slightly different. While I understand that screens can display colors differently, it is puzzling that the colors within the video and the background-color of the page itself are both the same. One would think that the screen should render these matching colors consistently, regardless of whether it's part of a video or not.

Answer №1

After conducting research, I found that using canvas to capture the color of a video at a specific pixel position was not ideal.

Instead, I decided to create a 1-second video with the exact same color and use it as the background. This method ensured a seamless blend between the video and its background, resulting in consistent color rendering across all devices and screens.

Since the background video only lasted for 1 second (the shortest possible duration for export), the file size remained minimal.

This solution ultimately proved to be effective in my project.

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