The second entry is not being styled by CSS, is there an issue with the code in this section?

I am facing a challenge while trying to set the same background image for two div elements:

.abc { background: url('images/autogen.png') no-repeat 0px -133px; width: 256px; height: 256px; };

.def { background: url('images/autogen.png') no-repeat 0px -0px; width: 128px; height: 128px; };

Here is my HTML:

<html><head><meta charset="utf8"><link href='main.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'' media='all' /></head><body>
<div class="def">def</div>
<div class="abc">abc</div></body></html>

However, only one of the div elements is displaying the background image. If I switch the order of the .def and .abc definitions in the CSS file, then .def gets displayed with the background and .abc does not.

Answer №1

Make sure not to use ; unnecessarily in your CSS

Replace with

.abc { 
background: url('images/autogen.png') no-repeat 0px -133px; 
width: 256px;
height: 256px;

.def { 
background: url('images/autogen.png') no-repeat 0px -0px; 
width: 128px;
height: 128px;

Ensure correct format like this:

.abc { 
background: url('images/autogen.png') no-repeat 0px -133px; 
width: 256px; 
height: 256px; }

.def { 
background: url('images/autogen.png') no-repeat 0px -0px; 
width: 128px; 
height: 128px; }

For more information, visit

Answer №2

It appears that there is a mistake with the ';' placement in the code

.abc { background: url('images/autogen.png') no-repeat 0px -133px; width: 256px; height: 256px; }

.def { background: url('images/autogen.png') no-repeat 0px -0px; width: 128px; height: 128px; }

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