Switch the style sheets after the content

How can I create a toggle effect on the :after property, switching between + and - each time the link is clicked?

I've attempted to achieve this using JavaScript, CSS, and HTML, but the code only changes + to - and doesn't switch back when the link is clicked again.

#heading1:after {
<a id="heading1">link</a>

Answer №1

Retrieve the current value using getPropertyValue("--content"). If it's empty, display a dash; if it's already a dash, clear the value and use the default variable.

$("#heading1").click(function() {
  const content = this.style.getPropertyValue("--content");

  this.style.setProperty("--content", content === "" ? "'—'" : "");
#heading1:after {
  content: var(--content, "+");
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<a id="heading1">link</a>

Answer №2

Here's a simple solution that should work:

$('#heading1').click(() => {

    // Retrieve the current value
    let value = this.style.getPropertyValue('--content');

    // Flip the value
    value = value === '+' ? '-' : '+';

    // Update the value
    this.style.setProperty('--content', value);


Furthermore, I observed that you were using

. Here are a couple of points to consider:

  • Since you are referring to the current element, you can directly use this instead
  • If you ever needed to select an element (aside from utilizing jQuery), you can make use of document.getElementById since '#heading1` is an id

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