Tips for adjusting the font size of a Chip using Material-UI

I am using a widget called Chip

const styles = {
    margin: "2px",
    padding: "2px"

const SmartTagChip = (props) =>{
  const classes = useStyles();
    <Chip style={{color:"white"}} clickable className={classes.chip}
     label={item.label} variant="outlined"/>:

I am attempting to increase the font size.

My attempts have been unsuccessful.

<Chip style={{color:"white"}} clickable className={classes.chip}

I have consulted the documentation at

and discovered some information about styling with CSS

root    .MuiChip-root   Styles applied to the root element.

It seems like I need to customize the .MuiChip-root class,

How should I go about doing this?

Answer №1

One convenient way to style components in Material-ui is by using the built-in solution called withStyles. This feature allows you to easily apply styles to various components. For your specific scenario, the implementation would resemble the following example:

const StyledChip = withStyles({
  root: {
    backgroundColor: 'red'// You have flexibility here to customize as needed
  label: {
    textTransform: 'capitalize',

const SmartTagChip = (props) => {
  const classes = useStyles();
    <StyledChip clickable
     label={item.label} variant="outlined"/>:

Answer №2

To customize the appearance of a chip component, define a CSS class specifically for it and then target its label using a nested selector.

export const customStyles = makeStyles(() => ({
chipStyle: {
    borderRadius: '9px', // apply some specific styling
    '& .MuiChip-label': { fontSize: 18 }, // nested selector targeting the chip label


Answer №3

For Sabrina's answer to be finalized

import {makeStyles} from "@mui/styles";

const customStyles = makeStyles(() => ({
        chipCustom: {
            borderRadius: '9px', //applying some style
            '& .MuiChip-label': {fontSize: 18}, // targets a sub-element
const customizedChipClass = customStyles();
<Chip className={customizedChipClass.chipCustom} label="Test"/>

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