The reason why setting height to 0 is ineffective in a CSS definition

Within my current project, I am utilizing vue.js 2 and have implemented an img component.

Below is the code for this component:

<div class="banner">
  <img class="banner-img" :src="bannerImg"/>

export default {
  name: 'DetailBanner',
  props: {
    sightName: String,
    bannerImg: String,
    gallaryImgs: Array

<style lang="stylus" scoped>
  position: relative
  overflow: hidden
  height: 0
  padding-bottom: 55%
    width: 100%

The URL of the image used is :

In this case, I do not wish to display the image on the page, hence why I have set the height to 0 in the CSS.

Unfortunately, the attempt was unsuccessful. I even tested removing the height: 0, but it did not change anything.

Can anyone explain why setting the height to 0 is not working as expected?

Answer №1

To showcase or hide your image, Vue.js offers a handy solution with the v-if directive:

 <div class="banner" v-if="showImg">
     <img class="banner-img" :src="bannerImg"/>

   export default {
      name: 'DetailBanner',
      props: {
         sightName: String,
        bannerImg: String,
         galleryImgs: Array


Incorporate showImg into your props, enabling you to easily toggle the visibility of the image using solely Vue.js and bypass any CSS headaches.

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