iPhone-compatible iFrame with adaptable webpage dimensions

While attempting to embed our page on a client's site, everything looks great in a browser and our media queries are functioning properly. However, we encountered an issue when viewing the embedded page inside an iframe on an iDevice. It seems that the page is not being displayed responsively and instead appears in the largest media query size (>870px wide), making it look disproportionately small.

Do you have any insights into why this is happening or suggestions on how to resolve it?

Answer №1

We discovered this the hard way.

When working inside an iFrame,

  • The media query does not recognize the screen size of the parent window
  • In certain browsers, the actual height/width of the iFrame may exceed the CSS width/height displayed on the parent page

To put it simply, media queries and iFrames are not completely compatible.

As a solution, we opted to create our own media query-like functionality using javascript.

This approach can be summarized as follows:

  • The parent page loads the iFrame (in a popup scenario for us, triggered by user interaction)
  • The iFrame sets up an event listener for onmessage
  • The parent page sends a postMessage to the iFrame
  • The iFrame receives information such as the width and height of the parent window from the parent page, along with any other required data
  • The iFrame then manually adjusts the layout using javascript

We hope this explanation is helpful.

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