Use jQuery to swap out every nth class name in the code

I am looking to update the 6th occurrence of a specific div class.

This is my current code

<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div> this should be changed
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div> this should be changed
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div> this should be changed
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div>

The count of changes is undefined and can vary in each section.

Answer №1

Give this a shot:

$( "div:nth-child(6n)" ).removeClass("disp");


$( "div.disp:nth-child(6n)" ).removeClass("disp");

Answer №2

<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div> 
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp)">...</div>
<div class="disp">...</div>
<div class="disp)">...</div>
<div class="disp">>.</div>

Creating this effect using only CSS

div {

section > div:nth-child(6n) {

You can achieve the same result using jQuery as well

 $( "div:nth-child(6n)" ).removeClass("disp");

For more information, you can visit this link

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