Dealing with unsupported CSS properties in Next.js or implementing @supports directives in Chakra-UI

Currently, I am working on a React component that adjusts opacity values based on the support for the CSS backdrop-filter directive:

background={(() => {
  const opacity = isBackdropFilterSupported() ? 0.75 : 0.98
  return (
      180deg, rgba(76, 63, 143, ${opacity}) 62.76%,
      rgba(184, 169, 255, ${opacity}) 100%

The challenge arises when the site is server-side rendered with Next.js. The server generates false as the value returned by

CSS.supports('backdrop-filter', 'blur(1px)')
, leading to inconsistencies regardless of client properties.

To address this issue, one potential solution involves utilizing CSS in the following manner:

.drawer {
  --opacity: 0.75;
  background: linear-gradient(
    180deg, rgba(76, 63, 143, var(--opacity)) 62.76%,
    rgba(184, 169, 255, var(--opacity)) 100%
@supports not (backdrop-filter: blur(1px)) {
  .drawer { --opacity: 0.98; }

This approach aims to circumvent the server-side rendering issue and be interpreted correctly by the client. However, integrating such styles into Chakra-UI, which this project is built upon, poses a challenge due to the lack of guidance on how to do so.

Answer №1

In my initial post, I failed to mention that I encountered an error message stating:

Prop id did not match. Server: "toggle--gxfg3t7xwo" Client: "toggle--ki0j10p2l"

This discrepancy indicated that the browser-generated DOM differed from the Next.js-generated DOM. As a result, Next.js abandoned its rehydration attempt, leading to server-rendered values being displayed.

To address this issue, I implemented a hook to detect when the component was mounted on the client side. The implementation of this hook is as follows:

export const useMounted = () => {
  const [hasMounted, setHasMounted] = React.useState(false);
  React.useEffect(() => {
  }, []);
  return hasMounted;

Subsequently, the opacity calculation was modified to account for the mounting status:

const hasMounted = useMounted()
const opacity = hasMounted && isBackdropFilterSupported() ? 0.75 : 0.98

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