Ensure the navbar includes the .container class and insert an extra dropdown right next to the container without causing any misalignment

Desired output: Achieve two rows with a .container div, centered in the viewport and aligned with each other. The second row should contain the navbar within a .container. Additionally, add a non-collapsing dropdown at the end of the navbar row, outside the .container, at the edge of the viewport without affecting the center alignment.

Current output: The additional dropdown causes the .container with the navbar to be pushed to the left, losing alignment with the header container above.

This customization is needed for a product transitioning to Bootstrap 5, where the content is enclosed in a .container.

            /* Show .container left and right boundaries */
            #branding-container {  
                border-left: 1px solid #fff; 
                border-right: 1px solid #fff;

            #navbar-container {
                border-left: 1px solid #fff; 
                border-right: 1px solid #fff;

            #branding-area {
                background-color: #CE1126;
                font-size: 20px;

            #djc-navbar-area {
                background-color: #333;
                border-top: 2px solid #fff;
                color: #fff;
                font-family: ariel, helvitica, verdana;
                font-size: 20px;

            #djc-navbar-area a {
                color: #fff;
                font-family: ariel, helvitica, verdana;
                font-size: 20px;

            #djc-help {
                border-radius: 0;

            /* Space that contains links */
            .right_bar {
                float: right;
                font-family: CaeciliaCom-75Bold, cambria, Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua, Palatino, serif;
                color: #fff;
                font-size: 16px;
                text-align: center;
                padding-top: 10px;
                margin-right: 25px;
                display: inline-block;
                background-color: none;
                color: #fff;

            .right_bar_item, .right_bar_item a {
                display: inline-block;
                color: #fff;
                margin-left: 10px;

            .navbar {
                min-height: 50px;
                margin-bottom: 0px;
                border: 1px solid transparent;
                padding: 0;

Answer №1

To achieve this, it is necessary to remove the "Help & Chat" menu from the document flow. Modify the following line:

  <ul  id="djc-help" class="navbar-nav mb-2 mb-lg-0 float-end btn btn-danger">

to this:

  <ul  id="djc-help" class="navbar-nav mb-2 mb-lg-0 position-absolute end-0 btn btn-danger">

This change will address the issue. Note that the "Help & Chat" menu appears taller than the navbar-container because it is now positioned outside the document flow. You can resolve this by adjusting the height of the navbar-container or by reducing the height of the "Help & Chat" menu, for instance by decreasing the top and bottom padding.

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