Prevent the onclick function of a span element from being triggered when the user clicks on a dropdown menu contained within

Just delving into the world of web development and currently tackling a React project. Encountered an issue where I need to make a span element clickable. However, there's a dropdown within that span that doesn't have any onClick event attached to it. Whenever I try to interact with the dropdown, rather than expanding or collapsing it, it triggers the function linked to the onClick event of the span. Is there a way to prevent this behavior and allow the dropdown to function normally as if it were outside of the span? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

To utilize the event parameter in the onClick event, you simply need to include it as a parameter in your function.

onClick (event) {
  // Add your code here

Answer №2

Pass an event in span when clicking using this method

handleClick = (e) => {
//insert your code here

<span onClick={(e) => {this.handleClick(e)}}></span>

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