Create a full-page gradient background using CSS that spans the entire height of the

I need assistance with a website that features a gradient implemented through CSS like this:

#grad {
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(#87a0b4 80%, #6b88a1);
    background: -o-linear-gradient(#87a0b4 80%, #6b88a1);
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(#87a0b4 80%, #6b88a1);
    background: linear-gradient(#87a0b4 80%, #6b88a1);

<body id="grad">

The issue I am encountering is that if the webpage's height exceeds my standard window size (which may vary on different screens), the gradient resets.

You can see the problem in action here:

Is there a way to ensure that the gradient always extends to the bottom of the page, regardless of its length?

Answer №1

Consider implementing the CSS properties background-attachment: fixed and height: 100% to enhance the styling of your element with the ID #grad

Answer №2

Upgrade your wrapper class that currently resembles this:

.wrapper {
         width: 700px;
        height: 900px;

to this:

.wrapper {
   width: 700px;
   height: 100%;

Simply adjusting the height to occupy 100%

Answer №3

To achieve a fixed background, all you need to do is

background-attachement: fixed;

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