It appears that Internet Explorer is still animating/processing my loading.gif despite being set to display:none

It seems that the issue I'm encountering is related to the inconsistent starting position of the loading.gif animation when performing an ajax request. In Internet Explorer, the animation appears to start from a random point, while in Firefox it always starts fresh. This has led me to believe that the animation may still be running in the background in IE. Any thoughts on this?

Answer №1

The inner workings of how GIFs are animated in Internet Explorer and Firefox remain a mystery to me. It is quite possible that one browser engine handles the animation process invisibly, while the other does not. There doesn't seem to be a universal standard for this.

By modifying the image element's src property at the same time as adjusting the display attribute, you may ensure that the animation restarts smoothly from the beginning.

Answer №2

Consider this scenario: with images turned on but CSS disabled, what happens to the gif? It continues to run constantly. By using display:none, you are essentially telling the browser, "This element is present on the webpage, but keep it hidden." This explains why the gif runs continuously, which could be the reasoning behind IE's implementation.

I may not be an expert when it comes to JavaScript, but I believe that actually removing the image node from the document and then reinserting it when necessary would likely achieve the desired result. Additionally, Pekka's suggestion of modifying the src property sounds like a viable solution too.

Answer №3

From what I've noticed, Internet Explorer tends to play GIF animations from the beginning every time, but at a slower pace. On the other hand, Firefox plays them smoothly, and Chrome only plays them once. When it comes to looping gifs with their display property set to none, they still run in the background as they have been called, just not shown on the page.. At least, that's my understanding of it.

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