Issue with Firefox causing Bootstrap form to appear incorrectly

I recently created a customized form using Bootstrap, but unfortunately, I'm encountering an issue with Firefox. Despite functioning perfectly on other browsers, the radio buttons are being pushed off the edge of the page and aren't displaying properly within the designated div. Surprisingly, the form still works – I can make selections and it functions as intended, just not in the correct position.

If you'd like to see the form in action on Firefox, you can find it here:

Answer №1

Within the "Contact Us" section, there is a container labeled "span8" where you have placed this code:

<div class="span8">
  <div id="successmessage"> </div>

This may be causing confusion for the layout engine as the element already resides within a "span8" container. Removing the "span8" class from this particular element should resolve the layout issues.

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