Exploring BreakPoints using gridlisttiles

Can Grid List Tile components be configured to occupy the entire screen on small devices using sm={12} lg={6}, but only half of the screen on larger devices? If not, is there a way to adjust the grid list layout to display fewer tiles per row on smaller screens? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

To determine the device dimensions, it's recommended to utilize Material UI's breakpoints feature. You can easily access the width property in your component by using the higher order component withWidth.

Once you have access to the width prop in your component, you can then dynamically adjust the number of columns in your GridList based on your specific needs.

For example:

<GridList className={classes.gridList} cols={this.props.width === 'sm' ? 12 : 6}>

Keep in mind that by default, Grid lists will occupy the entire width of their parent container.

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