Toggle the menu using jQuery on unordered list items

Below is the HTML code I am using :

<ul class="main-block">

 <li class="firstLevel">
   <a href="#category">EXAMPLE CATEGORY 1</a>
     <ul class="dijete">
       <li class="child">
          <a href="some-sub-category.html">EXAMPLE SUB-CATEGORY 11.</a>
       <li class="child">
          <a href="some-sub-category.html">EXAMPLE SUB-CATEGORY 1.1</a>

 <li class="firstLevel">
   <a href="#category">EXAMPLE CATEGORY 2</a>
     <ul class="dijete">
       <li class="child">
          <a href="some-sub-category.html">EXAMPLE SUB-CATEGORY 2.1</a>
       <li class="child">
          <a href="some-sub-category.html">EXAMPLE SUB-CATEGORY 2.2</a>


Here's my jQuery code for toggle():

<script type="text/javascript">
    var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
    $j(function() {

However, I am facing an issue where when I have one category (EXAMPLE 1) active and then click on another category (EXAMPLE 2), the first one remains open and the second one does not open up.

Why is the hide-show functionality not working as expected?

How can I show the second sub-menu and hide the first one when clicking on a different category? This behavior is not working in either way.

Answer №1

Implement the following syntax:

let $ = jQuery.noConflict();
$(function() {
    $('li.firstLevel').on('click', function(){

Answer №2

Check out this functional example

If you want to toggle the 'active' class, you can use the toggleClass() function. Before adding the 'active' class to the clicked item, make sure to remove it from other items with the class 'child' like this:


I hope this solution proves useful.

See the working code below


  background-color: green;
<script src=""></script>
<ul class="main-block">

  <li class="firstLevel">
    <a href="#category">EXAMPLE CATEGORY 1</a>
    <ul class="child">
      <li class="child">
        <a href="some-sub-category.html">EXAMPLE SUB-CATEGORY 11.</a>
      <li class="child">
        <a href="some-sub-category.html">EXAMPLE SUB-CATEGORY 1.1</a>

  <li class="firstLevel">
    <a href="#category">EXAMPLE CATEGORY 2</a>
    <ul class="child">
      <li class="child">
        <a href="some-sub-category.html">EXAMPLE SUB-CATEGORY 2.1</a>
      <li class="child">
        <a href="some-sub-category.html">EXAMPLE SUB-CATEGORY 2.2</a>


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