When my screen measures 1700px wide, a width of 100% in CSS appears significantly narrower than a width of 500px

Currently, I am working on designing a responsive layout for a 3D globe. The code snippet that stores the structure is as follows:

<div class="text-center main">
      <canvas id='globe' width='100%' height='100%'></canvas>

Initially, when setting fixed dimensions of 700px, the globe displays perfectly on my screen. However, to ensure responsiveness on mobile devices, I need it to adjust accordingly without breaking. It's intriguing how specifying a percentage value of 100% resulted in a smaller size compared to 500px. Increasing the percentage further to around 200 or 300% seemed to resolve the issue. Can anyone shed light on why this occurs?

Answer №1

(Check out this code on Codepen: http://jsfiddle.net/hmen49yj/ )

Avoid using percentage values for width and height in the canvas element.

Using css for setting dimensions is not recommended as it will stretch or shrink the canvas. Instead, utilize javascript to dynamically adjust the size of the canvas based on its container:

function resizeCanvas(){
    var canvas = $('#globe');
$("body")[0].onresize = resizeCanvas;

Answer №2

I suggest using this method...

  <!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title</title>
        background: green;

        background: red;
        text-align: center;

<div class="text-center main">
    <canvas id='globe'></canvas>


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