Refresh the CSS inheritance and hover effects

Facing an issue with my web project where I am using CSS. At times, I need to reset the inheritance from the parent class for certain elements. Although I have defined some classes to style my elements, I want to completely reset all styles except for hover effects. Here is the code snippet that works:

<a id="hrefSite" href="{{route('about') }}"><i style="all: unset; font-size: 150px;" class="conf conf-ui"></i></a>

However, when I add color: #868e96; inline within the style, it disrupts the hover functionality. The classes conf conf-ui must remain as they are responsible for loading icons like Google and Facebook. I attempted to create a new class for this purpose:

    all: unset; !important;
    font-size: 150px;
    color: #868e96;

<a id="hrefSite" href="{{route('about') }}"><i class="conf conf-ui newStyle"></i></a>

Unfortunately, this approach does not yield the desired result as the size becomes incorrect.

UPDATE: The HTML structure looks like this:

<div class="col-md-12 col-lg-4">
   <div class="cr">
       <div class="cr-block cntr"
           <div class="icon">
              <a id="hrefSite" href="{{route('about') }}"><i class="conf conf-ui newStyle"></i></a>

Answer №1

After some investigation, I managed to identify the error. Initially, I attempted to apply styling to the <i> element. However, after switching to using the <div> tag, the styling worked successfully. I am now puzzled as to why this change resolved the issue. Could it be that CSS does not allow styling for the <i> tag? I would greatly appreciate any insights on this matter.

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