Parsing HTML files with Perl to extract XML data

Can an XML output be generated from a webpage using web::scraper in Perl? Here is an example of HTML taken from a URL:

> <table class="reference">
    >     <tr>
    >     <th width="23%" align="left">Property</th>
    >     <th width="71%" align="left">Description</th>
    >     <th style="text-align:center;">DOM</th>
    >     </tr>
    >     <tr>
    // more HTML code

The Perl code snippet used to scrape this data is as follows:

    use warnings;
    use strict;
    use URI;
    use Web::Scraper;

    my $urlToScrape = "";

    my $rennersdata = scraper {
    process "table.reference > tr > td > a", 'renners[]' => 'TEXT';
    // more processing code

    my $res = $teamsdata->scrape(URI->new($urlToScrape));

// more code-snippet

The current output obtained is structured like this:

// more output
Returns a collection of a node's attributes

Desired output format:

<ReturnValue>Returns a collection of a node's attributes</ReturnValue>

Please suggest how the for loops can be combined to achieve the desired output structure.

Thank you!

Answer №1

If you want to access all the individual items in each of the three keys in $res, make sure to move your output into the first for loop. By utilizing the $i variable, which represents the number of items in each key, you can easily retrieve the values that correspond to one another during each iteration.

for my $i (0 .. $#{$res->{renners}}) {
  print <<"XML";

To enhance readability, I switched the print statements to use a HERE doc. Additionally, I rectified an issue by changing the line from

my $res = $teamsdata->scrape(URI->new($urlToScrape));
my $res = $rennersdata->scrape(URI->new($urlToScrape));
since it seems that $teamsdata was not properly declared.

Answer №2

While this may not be the exact solution you had in mind, I recommend checking out HTML::Element. It offers an as_XML method that allows you to easily convert HTML into XML format. Hope this helps.

Answer №3

Give this a try: Reorder the print statements like so:

print "<PropertyList>\n";   
for my $i (0 .. $#{$res->{renners}}) {    
    print "<Property>\n";
    print "<Name> ";
        print $res->{renners}[$i]; print "\n";
    print "</Name>"; print "\n";

    for my $j (0 .. $#{$res->{landrenner}}) {
        print "<ReturnValue>\n";
            print $res->{landrenner}[$j];print "\n";
        print "</ReturnValue>\n";
    for my $k (0 .. $#{$res->{dom}}) {
        print "<domversion>\n";
            print $res->{dom}[$k];print "\n";
        print "</domversion>\n";
    print "</Property>\n";
print "</PropertyList>\n";

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