Need Some Help Reversing the Direction of This CSS Mount Animation?

Exploring this fiddle, I encountered a small div showcasing an opacity animation. The animation smoothly executes when the state transitions to true upon mounting the component, causing the div to fade in beautifully. However, I faced a challenge as the animation fails to trigger when the component is unmounted and the state changes to false. Even after trying different approaches like setting the animation as both and attempting a reverse animation (from 1 to 0), it only ends up playing immediately following the initial one, resulting in the disappearance of the square.

Is there a way to ensure that this fade animation plays in reverse when the component disappears?

Edit: I omitted mentioning that this scenario is within React environment. Eventually, my workaround involved incorporating an animation library, simplifying the process significantly. Nonetheless, I am keeping this question posted in case others might have vanilla solutions to this issue.

Answer №1

I have come up with a clever workaround to resolve this issue. There may be a more elegant solution in the future, but for now, this will suffice.

To achieve this, I've defined a new class called .hide that adjusts the opacity to 0 and sets visibility to hidden. This class is then added to the box element. Initially, the insertion animation remains unchanged. However, for the exit animation, I've implemented a transition property on the box element. Upon a second click, I've encapsulated the setVisible() method within a setTimeout() function with a delay equal to the duration of the transition specified for .hide.

This approach ensures that the box fades out first before the setVisible() method is triggered afterwards.

If you prefer not to use setTimeout(), an alternative option is to attach an eventListener to the box for the transitionend event, and execute setVisible() once it has completed.

For demonstration purposes, I have provided a working demo on JSFiddle:

Note: In the JSFiddle example, I am altering the background color to illustrate the timing of the transition relative to the removal of the box. Feel free to modify this to work with opacity instead.

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