What is the best way to add prefixes to my SCSS style sheets?

After attempting to add prefixes to my scss files, I came across the autoprefixer tool. However, I discovered that it only supports CSS files. Is there a way to utilize autoprefixer with scss files?

Here are the commands for Autoprefixer:

npm install postcss-cli autoprefixer
npx postcss *.css --use autoprefixer -d build/

Thank you!

Answer №1

Integrating Autoprefixer with Sass and Stylus is a seamless process, as it operates after the CSS has already been compiled.

To learn more about how to use Autofixer in Angular with scss files, check out this Stack Overflow answer.

If you're wondering how to run postcss/autoprefixer using scss, here is the command:

postcss --parser postcss-scss -u autoprefixer --autoprefixer.browsers "last 2 versions" -r src/**/*.scss

For additional information, visit: https://css-tricks.com/autoprefixer/

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