Android failing to adapt to font size changes set by media queries in HTML code

Recently, I've been facing an unusual issue on a Nexus 7 where changing the font-size on the HTML element seems to be ignored. Removing the smaller font size resolves the problem but creates new issues for phone displays.


html { font-size: 10px; }

@media (min-width: 600px) and (max-aspect-ratio: 21/15), (min-width: 768px) {
  html { font-size: 16px; }

Strangely enough, removing the first line makes everything work fine, ruling out the media query as the culprit. Has anyone else encountered this or have any insights?

One possible explanation could be a bug specific to WebViews, as this is currently within a web view environment.

Answer №1

To solve this issue, I implemented a new universal @media query and avoided setting the font-size property separately from the other @media queries.

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