To grab a specific CSS attribute from a stylesheet using JavaScript

I am looking for a way to extract the value from a CSS file using a JavaScript function.

Take a look at my code snippet below:
HTML file ->

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="test_css.css" />
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function loadFunc(){ 
    ## need code here
    ## alert(left);

CSS file ->

    .outer .inner
    left: 30pt;
    top: 20pt;

Note: I only require the specific property value from the CSS, not the entire text. Is there a predefined function that can help me achieve this?

For instance, I want to retrieve the value associated with the key "left" in the CSS file. The expected output should be "30pt".

Answer №1

Executing this function with the specified attributes will result in the expected output.

    function fetchStylePropertyValue(prop, selector, stylesheet) {
      var stylesheets = typeof stylesheet !== 'undefined' ? [stylesheet] : document.styleSheets;
      for (var index = 0, len = stylesheets.length; index < len; index++) {
        var currentSheet = stylesheets[index];
        if( !currentSheet.cssRules ) { continue; }
        for (var j = 0, k = currentSheet.cssRules.length; j < k; j++) {
          var cssRule = currentSheet.cssRules[j];
          if (cssRule.selectorText && cssRule.selectorText.split(',').indexOf(selector) !== -1) 
      return null;

    var textColor = fetchStylePropertyValue('color', '.classproperty'); // applicable to all stylesheets

Answer №2

To apply CSS to elements, utilize jQuery along with the .css function. Additional resources can be found here:

Note: Ensure that you have the specified style visible on your webpage before using this method. If the style is not present, consider creating a hidden div for the CSS selector to target.

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