Cursor vanishes until mouse movement detected (Chrome browser)

In the HTML page I created, the mouse cursor is initially set to none. However, there are certain circumstances where I need it to switch to crosshair. The issue I am facing is that the cursor does not appear unless the user moves the mouse. If the mouse remains stationary, the cursor stays invisible.

Is there a way for me to instruct the browser to refresh and redraw the cursor without requiring the user to move their mouse?

UPDATE: While a similar question was posed before, it did not address the specific problem I encountered in Chrome despite being resolved in Firefox and Internet Explorer.

Answer №1

Before attempting anything else, make sure to review this initial response, as it could provide the solution you seek. If that doesn't solve your issue, consider manually triggering the event itself. Keep in mind, however, that simply triggering the event doesn't guarantee that the browser will update the mouse cursor:

// listen for mouse move event
window.onmousemove = function(e) {
    console.log('mouse moved.', e);

// create and trigger the event
var event = new Event('mousemove');

// 'mouse move.' should now appear in the console.

If this approach fails, experiment with different mouse events to troubleshoot further.

Answer №2

Experiment with the style attribute cursor: default;

To make the cursor invisible, use none. Be cautious as this will completely hide the cursor.

An external element may be overriding the CSS property for pointer, possibly on the <body> or <html> elements or a parent container.

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