Do you know of a more streamlined approach to formatting this SCSS code?

Currently working on a Saleor Site and diving into the world of Django and SASS for the first time.

While crafting my own styling rules in SCSS files, I've noticed some repetitive code that could potentially be streamlined. It seems like there should be a more efficient way to handle this without duplicating so much content. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any helpful style guides specific to SCSS.

Anyone have suggestions on how to optimize this code?

.p {
    &-around {
        &_none {
            padding: $none;
        &_x-small {
            padding: $x-small;
        &_small {
            padding: $small;
        &_medium {
            padding: $medium;
        &_large {
            padding: $large;
        &_x-large {
            padding: $x-large;
    &-top {
        /* only real difference is just "padding-top" instead of "padding" */
        &_none { 
            padding-top: $none;
        &_x-small {
            padding-top: $x-small;
        &_small {
            padding-top: $small;
        &_medium {
            padding-top: $medium;
        &_large {
            padding-top: $large;
        &_x-large {
            padding-top: $x-large;
    /* This pattern repeats for right, bottom, vertical, and horizontal padding adjustments */

All feedback is appreciated.

Edit: Here's the improved code after implementing Jakob's suggestion for optimization.

@each $size, $value in (
    'none'   : $none,
    'x-small': $x-small,
    'small'  : $small,
    'medium' : $medium,
    'large'  : $large,   
    'x-large': $x-large        
    .p {
        &-around_#{$size}     { padding:        $value; }
        &-vertical_#{$size}   { padding-top:    $value; padding-bottom: $value; }
        &-horizontal_#{$size} { padding-left:   $value; padding-right:  $value; }
        &-top_#{$size}        { padding-top:    $value; }
        &-bottom_#{$size}     { padding-bottom: $value; }
        &-right_#{$size}      { padding-right:  $value; }
        &-left_#{$size}       { padding-left:   $value; }
    .m {
        &-around_#{$size}     { margin:        $value; }
        &-vertical_#{$size}   { margin-top:    $value; margin-bottom: $value; }
        &-horizontal_#{$size} { margin-left:   $value; margin-right:  $value; }
        &-top_#{$size}        { margin-top:    $value; }
        &-bottom_#{$size}     { margin-bottom: $value; }
        &-right_#{$size}      { margin-right:  $value; }
        &-left_#{$size}       { margin-left:   $value; }

Answer №1

In my opinion, the best approach would be to utilize the map, @each loop, and interpolation using #{} like this:

$padding: (
    'none'   : none,
    'x-small': 1px,
    'small'  : 2px,
    'medium' : 3px,
    'large'  : 4px,   
    'x-large': 5px        

.p {
    @each $size, $value in $padding {
        &-around_#{$size} { padding:        $value; }  
        &-top_#{$size}    { padding-top:    $value; }       
        &-right_#{$size}  { padding-right:  $value; }       
        &-bottom_#{$size} { padding-bottom: $value; }               
        &-left_#{$size}   { padding-left:   $value; }               

If you prefer to maintain variables, you could try this method instead:

.p {
    @each $size, $value in (
        'none'   : $none,
        'x-small': $x-small,
        'small'  : $small,
        'medium' : $medium,
        'large'  : $large,   
        'x-large': $x-large        
        &-around_#{$size} { padding:        $value; }  
        &-top_#{$size}    { padding-top:    $value; }       
        &-right_#{$size}  { padding-right:  $value; }       
        &-bottom_#{$size} { padding-bottom: $value; }               
        &-left_#{$size}   { padding-left:   $value; }               

Answer №2

Perhaps this approach would yield the optimal result.

.p {
    &-around, &-top {
        &_none {
            padding: $none;
        &_x-small {
            padding: $x-small;
        &_small {
            padding: $small;
        &_medium {
            padding: $medium;
        &_large {
            padding: $large;
        &_x-large {
            padding: $x-large;

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