Maximize background width with a gradient that is compatible with web-based email clients such as Outlook and Gmail

Recently, I was given the task of creating a newsletter to support cancer fundraising. Excitedly, I accepted the assignment but encountered a frustrating issue with web-based email clients (such as and not accepting some of my styling preferences.

In typical email clients, everything displays perfectly as intended. See this screenshot for reference.

However, in web-based clients, the outcome is quite different. View the following example.

To address this dilemma, I researched CSS compatibility across various email clients and discovered a comprehensive list on .

The structure of my code involves three tables: header, body, and footer. The header and body share a gradient background while the footer has its own gradient background defined by the same code through a class. I'm exploring methods to ensure uniform rendering across all email clients; alternatively, I am open to accepting an approach that yields the best visual output regardless of consistency.


One technique I implemented to extend the footer background beneath the body involved using negative margins. However, acknowledging that this may not be the most efficient or reliable method, could it potentially contribute to the issues at hand?

Key discrepancies observed include:

  • Excessive space between the footer and body due to:
    margin-top:-100; padding-top:100px;
  • Failure to display the footer's background gradient.
  • Potential font style variations within the content (though possibly browser-specific).

Answer №1

Welcome to the exciting realm of HTML email design! Make sure to explore these helpful resources to enhance your knowledge and prevent unexpected issues during testing.

In many email clients, CSS3 may not be fully supported, so using a background image might be necessary. A 1px x 500px repeated horizontally should suffice. Backgrounds in Outlook can be achieved through the body tag or by utilizing VML for element-specific backgrounds. Visit for more on the VML solution.

To style fonts, remember to specify the font within each <td> element or use <font> and <span> tags. Here's an example:

<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #000000; padding:30px;" bgcolor="#EEEEEE">
      This is 14px Arial in black<br>
      <font style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 20px; color: #FF5555;">20px Arial in red</font>
    <td style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #000000; padding:30px;" bgcolor="#DDDDDD">
     It's important to include font styling inline here as well to avoid defaulting to Times New Roman in certain clients like Outlook.<br>

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